Thursday 16 August 2012

Charlotte Exhibition Preparation Part 1

As you are aware from my previous post on Charlotte's Pool, I have been working on a story about a young lady called Charlotte White (nee Smyth), who died in 1845 and whose ghost is said to walk the Earth still, especially in the area around Berechurch Hall and Friday Woods in Colchester. 

I became interested in this after I was set the task of writing a story based on the theme of Colchester.  I remembered hearing about the legend of Charlotte's Pool at Lethe Grove when I was in Primary School and decided to investigate in more detail.

My research took me and three others (Lesley, Sioux and Hollie) on an intriguing journey as I described in my previous entry.  Now we have decided to collaborate on a larger scale project, putting an exhibition together about her life, her story and the various sightings and experiences of her ghost.  We are not sure where the exhibition will take place but it should be somewhere in Colchester.

Between us, we have a massive range of exciting ideas we are looking to explore in a variety of media.  So far, it looks like there will be paintings in oils and acrylics, prints, poems, stories, photographs, music, and filmed performances.

I thought it might be interesting to show pictures of my sketch book as I put it together.  The most recent pages are shown below.

To purchase a copy of 'Charlotte -The Lady in White' a novel based on the Life of Charlotte White, nee Smyth, please click the link below


  1. This sounds amazing! Keep us updated on how it goes. Danni Xx

    1. Thanks Danni. I will keep posting about this. It's really nice to be venturing into painting again. :-)
